Tue 21 Jan
NICE @ss HOT S€XY mixed pr & Italian girl/🍰🍭waiting on u!! - 19
(Bronx, 169 grandconcourse(incalls)
Independent Puerto Rican freak call star 9292417086 - 36
(Bronx, incall only 169 grandconcourse area)
IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A true puertorican FrEaK 50SPeCiALs70 CALL *iris* 3472171889 - 32
(Bronx, incalls 169 GRANDCONCOURSE AREA)
Intense50 Sensual 80Shake&Quiver; Bounce this Pretty Little Chocolate Ass" Dig it like a shovel! - 23
(Bronx, East 169 st ((INCALL)) Boston rd)
Hot 🔥🔥American Couple👫 or Solo💃🏻, Upscale🏩/Private 🤐🙊Naturally Slim Beauty,34B. Friendly/Accommodatin - 20
(169 Southern Blvd Westchester Ave InCall, Bronx)
independent puertorican mami NO disappointment I aM a ReAl FrEaK call iris 3478941570 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A true puertorican FrEaK 50SPeCiALs70 CALL IRIS 917 564 2225 - 32
(Bronx, BRONX incallONLY 169 Grandconcourse AREA)
Independent Puerto Rican freak call star 9292417086 - 36
(Bronx, incall only 169 grandconcourse area)
Get Your Mind Right' want to Freak You' Sweet Petite Exotic Sexy Discreet Freak!! - 23
(Bronx, East 169 st (INCALL) Boston Road 10456)
HAVE YU EVER WANTED a Thick REDBONE FREAK wit a phatt @$$ 50$ spcl AVAIL RITE NOW!!!! - 21
(Bronx, 169 BOSTON RD AVAIL Now my place)
Get Your Mind Right' want to Freak You' Sweet Petite Exotic Sexy Discreet Freak!! - 23
(Bronx, East 169 st (INCALL) Boston Road 10456)
.* ▒ ▓* Âb§OLutLy ÂmÂzInG *.* ▒ ▓* .* N e W ! ! *.* 1OO% Real ! *.* - 19
(Bronx, 169 grand concourse (in-calls only))
bbws and skinny rainy day weekend specials 60$ hh come see me - 22
(Bronx, 1329 Clinton by 169 Boston rd bronx)
A1 Steaksauce50 Juicy SPECIALZ80 Sweet Petite Exotic Chocolate Sexy Discreet Freak!! - 23
(Bronx, East 169 st (INCALL) Boston Road 10456)
💙💙💙 $60 , $100 , $140 100% Real-Juicy 💦 💦💦 🍓 Sexy Slim 💙💙💙 - 21
(169-149 & Third Ave Area (Outcalls), Bronx)
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(Bronx, (incall )👌169 grandconcourse area)
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(Bronx, Bronx 169 grandconcourse area ( incall))
50specials70 if YOU ARE looking for a true bbw puertorican frEaK call iris 3478490010 - 33
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse aera)
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL iris 347 849 0010 - 34
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
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(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL iris 1917 736 8726 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
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(169 grandconcourse area (incall), Bronx)
☑️50specialsh70 sexy PuErToRiCaN bbw 💯Big BooTy PuRiE FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call Star 3478491570 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
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(Bronx, Bronx 169 grandconcourse area incall)
50sPeCiALs70 if YOU ARE looking for a true bbw puertorican frEaK call iris 917 736 8726 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN Big BooTy PuRiE FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 3478490010 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
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(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
5ospecials7o PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever Hablo espanol 3477986216 - 36
(169 Grand concourse area, Bronx)
50SPeCiAL80 LoOKiN fOr A gOoD tiMe WiT a TrUe puertorican FrEak call iris 917 396 0936 - 31
(Bronx, BRONX incallONLY 169 Grandconcourse AREA)
50sPeCiALs70 independent PuErToRiCaN thickness CALL iris 1917 736 8726 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
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(Bronx, incall only 169 grandconcourse area)
$60 ...special..White Snow Bunny 100 per Real or its FREE - 23
(Bronx, Bronx, 169 th and southern blvd)
50specials70 bbw puertorican freak NO disappointment call 929 2417086 iris - 36
(Bronx, Bronx 169 grandconcourse area ( incall))
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(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50specials70 Mature bbw independent puertorican freak NO disappointment iris 929 2417086 HABLO ESPANOL - 36
(Bronx, Bronx 169 grandconcourse area (in))
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL 347 849 0010 - 33
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 morris ave area)
5ospecials7o PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever call me 9292417086 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx 169 grandconcourse area ( incall))
50 special 70 100% Puerto Rican freaky Tona the best @t what I do 9292417086 - 36
(Bronx, 169 grandconcourse area (incall))
50sPeCiAL70 IM A TrUe P.riCaN FrEaK i promise you'll be statisfied 19175649642 - 32
(Bronx, BRONX incallONLY 169 Grandconcourse AREA)
50specials70 bbw PuErToRiCaN Big BooTy PuRiE FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 347849001 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50specials70 independent bbw Big BooTy FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 👍347 894 1570 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL*STAR* 1917 736 8726 - 32
(Bronx, incalls 169 GRANDCONCOURSE AREA)
50specials70 Relax your body & mind with some one that please your every needs call iris 9292417096 - 36
(169 Grand concourse area (in), Bronx)
50specialsh70 sexy PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRiE FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 3478490010 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL iris 1917 736 8726 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL*STAR* 1917 736 8726 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRiE FrEAzeeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 3478490010 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50SPeCiALs70 sexy puertorican Iris NO Rush NO desappointed I aM a ReAlFrEaK 917 396 0936 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 GRANDCONCOURSE AREA)
50specials 70 Your Body & Mind With independent @ Puerto Rican freak - 35
(Bronx, incall only 169 grandconcourse area)
50specials70 bb independent Puerto Rican Big BooTy FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call ☆star☆3478941570 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
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(Bronx, 169 grandconcourse area (incall))
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL 347 849 0010 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL*STAR* 1917 736 8726 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50specials7o sexy curvy independent Puerto Rican Big BooTy FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs call star - 36
(Bronx, Bronx 169 Grand concourse area (in))
👍50specials hh70 bbw independent puertorican freak NO disappointment call☎ iris 3475920094 - 35
(Bronx, bronx 169 grandconcourse area incalls)
50sPeCiALs70 A puertorican FrEaK YOU GOT THE RIGHT ad CALL IRIS 19175649642 - 32
(Bronx, incalls 169 GRANDCONCOURSE AREA)
50specials70 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A puertorican true FrEaK call 6463014450 (HABLO ESPANOL) - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50specials70 come have some fun with sexy puertorican iris 3472171889 - 32
(Bronx, Bronx, bronx incalls 169 GRANDCONCOURSE)
50specials70 Your Body & Mind With independent @ Puerto Rican freak 347 5920094 - 35
(Bronx, incall only 169 grandconcourse area)
50specialsh70 sexy PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRiE FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 3478491570 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50sPeCiALs70 DESCREET & COMFTY INCALL *-* CALL boricua *STAR* 1917 736 8726 - 32
(Bronx, incalls 169 GRANDCONCOURSE AREA)
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever 3478490010 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse)
50specials70 Your Body & Mind With independent @ Puerto Rican freak 929 2417086 - 35
(Bronx, incall only 169 grandconcourse area)
50specials hh70 bbw independent puertorican freak NO disappointment iris 3475920094 HABLO ESPANOL - 35
(Bronx, 169 grandconcourse area (incall))
Gordita MAMI 😜looking for a good time with A Sexy independent woman call me @ (929) 241-7086 - 35
(Bronx, 169 grandconcourse area.)
Sat 11 Jan
50specials70 Puerto Rican freak discreet and drama free call iris - 36
(Bronx, incall only 169 grandconcourse area)