♡♢Exquisite Escort Agency looking for ladies Make over 1500 a day ♡♢ - 30

Posted : Tuesday, January 21, 2025 03:50 PM | 7 views

Hi There, Would you like to ? Run with the big girls, have time to yourself, move up, giggle again, travel, get your hair & nails done regularly, stop worrying, treat your friends to lunch, buy something extravagant, take pressure off yourself, order the Lobster. How About ? Move to a nicer place, have a say in your life, sleep in late, rent the luxury car, donate to needy children, build up frequent flyer points, get the Venti. Relax, get all new down pillows, feel like you belong somewhere, splurge on Tom Ford make-up, have your designer clothes tailored, And then there’s: Pay your bills ahead of time, don’t look at price tags anymore, have professional photos taken, get a housekeeper, look at your bank account and smile, sing in the shower, pick your own schedule, get Tumi luggage. (Goes great with your designer purses) Have men tell you how beautiful you are. Make a difference in the world and live the life of being around exciting men.this opportunity may just be the perfect fit for you. We realize at this agency that you are one in a million and we happen to love that ! Whether you are new to the business and looking for a better fit or an Independent wanting to get your life back, we offer a safe, friendly place for you to flourish. YOU MUST SUBMIT AT LEAST 3 PICTURES WITH THIS E-MAIL AND A NUMBER TO GET IN TOUCH WITH YOU. Please send your pictures and contact number to Prettykittylady1@gmail.com shemale escort haven,escort bx.,escorts yonkers,trans escorts raleigh,escorts 80,mn transexual escorts,escorts on maui,hotel fuego bronx photos,trans listcrawler,sexo en el bronx
  • Post ID : 8243
  • Poster's age : 22
  • City : Bronx
  • Address : Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester