Mon 27 Jan
A1 Tongue💦👅Sweet & Sexy😍😘New In Town😜(3rd Ave - 149th Area) Available Now❤️❤️Text Only -(347-391-2461) - 23
(3rd Ave - 149th area, Bronx)
XraTeD bBw NaSty SmUt SuPer FreAK 347💋317🔥2267 GuaRaNteEd tO teASe N PleaSe ♋l - 24
(Bronx, Bx incall 3rd Ave 149th cypress brook138)
NEW IN TOWN. HERE FOR TODAY✈️ 😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! - 20
(149th St. 3rd Ave. Melrose. InCall., Bronx)
50 SpeCIaL NaSTieSt SupeR SeXCy BBw FReaK SmuT 👅347🎀317👑2267💋 ThicKNesS aT itS FineST. - 25
(Bronx, Bx incall 3rd Ave 149th cypress brook)
Sexy BBW. 50hh Rainy Day Special!!!NO GAMES!!! IN CALL Only South Bx - 35
(Bronx, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS)
Tue 21 Jan
Sաɛɛt🍑 Soft Chocolate skin 🍫 plump lips👄 & a Bubble Butt 🍑1OOO% Real Pics😛 ɨռCalls Only - 27
(149th & 3rd Ave😱Come get on my ride😛, Bronx, New Jersey)
🐰{⋇JUICY ฿aℝbi℮⋇ }🐰🍒 ➜ 💎 {⋇øℕ℮ øF Å K¡ℕ₫⋇} ➜➜ 💟💟 {⋇ ℂr₳ℤy SK¡LLℤ⋇ }💟💟 ɨռ ċaʟʟs օռʟʏ👅 - 19
(149th and 3rd Ave😛try me something🆕, Bronx, New Jersey)
Naughty BBW tight,wet, and juicy. hosting now!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue INCALL)
Naughty BBW tight,wet, and juicy. hosting now!!! South BRONX INCALL - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS, Westchester)
Naughty BBW tight,wet, and juicy. hosting now!!!! - 29
(149th and 3rd avenue(INCALL ONLY), Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Westchester)
Young & Sexy 😍 Exotic Dominican Diva ❤️❤️New In Town💕Let Me Show You My Moves😍A1 Tonge😜💦(347-391-2461) - 21
(3rd Ave,149th,Webster Ave,Brooke Ave, Bronx)
Sexy BBW available tonight!!!! InCall ONLY South Bx - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens)
Leaving Today🙁Noon Highly Skilled Lips 👄Massive 36KKs Top Notch 👑Don't Miss Out - 30
(Bronx, Bronx /3rd Ave & 149th)
Young & Sexy 😍 Exotic Dominican Diva ❤️❤️New In Town💕Let Me Show You My Moves😍A1 Tonge😜💦(347-391-2461) - 21
(3rd Ave,149th,Webster Ave,Brooke Ave, Bronx)
Leaving Today🙁Noon Highly Skilled Lips 👄Massive 36KKs Top Notch 👑Don't Miss Out - 30
(Bronx, Bronx /3rd Ave & 149th)
Daytime treat Nasty,naughty bbw INCALL ONLY SOUTH BX - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Westchester, 149th and 3rd avenue(INCALL ONLY))
A1 Tongue💦👅Sweet & Sexy😍😘New In Town😜(3rd Ave - 149th Area) Available Now❤️❤️Text Only - (347-391-2461 - 23
(3rd Ave - 149th Ave, Bronx)
THE👑🏆💦🐱IS BACK✔️📲 😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! - 20
(149th St. 3rd Ave. Melrose area. 2train, Bronx)
xraTEd perSiA Da BaddEst BBw FReaK Open miNded 347🔥317💋2267💥 sofT bOOty BiG bOObS - 25
(3rd Ave Willis Alexander 149th, Bronx)
XraTeD bBw NaSty SmUt SuPer FreAK 347💋317🔥2267 GuaRaNteEd tO teASe N PleaSe ♋l - 24
(Bronx, Bx incall 3rd Ave 149th cypress brook138)
THE👑🏆💦🐱IS BACK✔️📲 😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! - 20
(149th St. 3rd Ave. Melrose area. 2train, Bronx)
SPECIAL60 °°• WHaTeVeR • iT °•rEQuIReS ° I'Ll •DEliVeR °°• yOUr DeSIrEs •°°• (fetish included) - 21
(Bronx, 149TH & 3RD AVE)
PeRsIA Da SuPeR SmUT SupER FReAK BbW 💋347💋317🔥2267 👑 GuaranTeeD tO MakE Ur ToEs CuRL - 24
(Bronx, Bx incall 3rd Ave 149th cypress brook138)
PeRsIA Da SuPeR SmUT SupER FReAK BbW 💋347💋317🔥2267 👑 GuaranTeeD tO MakE Ur ToEs CuRL - 24
(Bronx, Bx incall 3rd Ave 149th cypress brook138)
NEW IN TOWN. HERE FOR TODAY✈️ 😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! - 20
(149th St. 3rd Ave. Melrose. InCall., Bronx)
Sաɛɛt🍑 Soft Chocolate skin 🍫 plump lips👄 & a Bubble Butt 🍑1OOO% Real Pics😛 ɨռCalls Only - 27
(149th & 3rd Ave😱Come get on my ride😛, Bronx, New Jersey)
Sexy BBW. 50hh Rainy Day Special!!!NO GAMES!!! IN CALL Only South Bx - 35
(Bronx, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS)
🐰{⋇JUICY ฿aℝbi℮⋇ }🐰🍒 ➜ 💎 {⋇øℕ℮ øF Å K¡ℕ₫⋇} ➜➜ 💟💟 {⋇ ℂr₳ℤy SK¡LLℤ⋇ }💟💟 ɨռ ċaʟʟs օռʟʏ👅 - 19
(149th and 3rd Ave😛try me something🆕, Bronx, New Jersey)
Thu 09 Jan
A1 Tongue💦👅Sweet & Sexy😍😘New In Town😜(3rd Ave - 149th Area) Available Now❤️❤️Text Only -(347-391-2461) - 23
(3rd Ave - 149th area, Bronx)
Tue 07 Jan
Sexy BBW...ready to play NO GAMES!!! IN CALL Only South Bx - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue INCALLS)
Sexy BBW...ready to play NO GAMES!!! IN CALL Only South Bx - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue INCALLS)
Mon 06 Jan
...READY and hosting now!!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue INCALL)
Early morning fun ..bbw.. available now!!!!.INCALL ONLY SOUTH BX - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS, Westchester)
Incall Only South Bronx!!!! READY NOW!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS)
Tight,wet, juicy bbw...READY and hosting now!!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, 149th and 3rd (INCALL ONLY))
BBJ w/ facial...INCALL only South Bx 149th and 3rd avenue - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS, Westchester)
Sun 05 Jan
Tight,wet, juicy bbw...READY and hosting now!!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue, Westchester)
Sunday Fun day w/BBW!!!!! READY NOW!!! South bx incall only - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS, Westchester)
Nasty, Naughty bbw READY NOW INCALL ONLY South Bx - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS, Westchester)
Nasty, Naughty bbw READY TO PLAY!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue, Westchester)
xraTEd perSiA Da BaddEst BBw FReaK Open miNded 347🔥317💋2267💥 sofT bOOty BiG bOObS - 25
(3rd Ave Willis Alexander 149th, Bronx)
Sat 04 Jan
50 SpeCIaL NaSTieSt SupeR SeXCy BBw FReaK SmuT 👅347🎀317👑2267💋 ThicKNesS aT itS FineST. - 25
(Bronx, Bx incall 3rd Ave 149th cypress brook)
BBJ w/ facial...INCALL only South Bx 149th and 3rd avenue - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS, Westchester)
Late night action BBW...SOUTH BX INCALL ONLY - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue INCALL, Westchester)
SPECIAL60 °°• WHaTeVeR • iT °•rEQuIReS ° I'Ll •DEliVeR °°• yOUr DeSIrEs •°°• (fetish included) - 21
(Bronx, 149TH & 3RD AVE)
Tight, juicy twat BBW...South Bx INCALL ONLY - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue INCALL, Westchester)
Fri 03 Jan
Tight,wet, juicy bbw...READY and hosting now!!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, 149th and 3rd (INCALL ONLY))
Tight,wet, juicy bbw...READY and hosting now!!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS, Westchester)
Daytime treat Nasty,naughty bbw INCALL ONLY SOUTH BX - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue)
Tight,wet, juicy bbw...READY and hosting now!!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue INCALL, Westchester)
Early morning fun!!!!hosting now!! INCALL ONLY South Bx 149th - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS, Westchester)
Tight,wet, juicy bbw...READY and hosting now!!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd avenue INCALL)
Thu 02 Jan
INCALL ONLY SOUTH BX 149th area hosting and ready now - 29
(149th and 3rd avenue(INCALL ONLY), Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Westchester)
Tight,wet, juicy bbw...READY and hosting now!!!!! - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens, South Bronx 149th and 3rd ave INCALLS)