Mon 27 Jan
Call Now And experience a NON RUSH and Very Special Treatment - 25
***Baddest Sexy Tall hot ready to make you beg for IT,Ts CHOLIE reDD **** - 26
(Bronx, fordham area)
The Puerto Rican & black bombshell 💞zori💞 call me now up all night - 19
(Bronx, whiteplains rd/2train line area)
***Baddest Sexy Tall hot ready to make you beg for IT,Ts CHOLIE reDD **** - 26
(Bronx, fordham area)
❤ Your Dream Antiqian -Girl So C L A S S YS o H O T S oS E N S U A L - 20
(Bronx, Washtingtion heights191 & st nick incall)
*****¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Stephanie Super Sexy Monday ******dominicana ¥¥¥¥¥ - 22
(Bronx, E.tremont n 180st incalls)
My AmAzInG D.S.L.'s + SuPeR T!*tE KiTTeN + FaBuLoUs SkiLLz + UR ROD = SuPrEmE SaTisFacTioN!!! - 26
(Bronx, bx/my safe place)
👑👸Queen Ashley👸👑 I love Being Nasty! 👐Come play with this frisky🍩🍫 Freaky Mocha Beauty🍬👅 - 19
(170 and jerome, Bronx)
🚨🌹‼️* Petite & Sweet* RARE Foreign BLACK MIX ..Melanie!💋Sexy Bubble Butt*NEW*‼️🌹🚨 - 22
(Bronx, 💕My Private & Safe Place💕)
👑Miss Elmo Petite👑 I love Being Nasty! 👐Come play with this frisky🍩🍫 Freaky Slim Beauty🍬👅 - 19
(170 and jerome, Bronx)
L👀K!!--> FrEaKy •°o♥o°• SeXy •°o♥o°• ReDbOnE •°o♥o°• LeT Me ShOw YOU how it's SuPPoSeD TO FEEL!! - 26
(Bronx, bronx (my safe place))
OMG ☆❤☆The things My AmAzInG ☆❤☆ D.S.L.'s ☆❤☆ & SuPeR T!*tE☆❤☆ KiTTeN ☆❤☆ will DO to YOU☆❤☆ - 26
(Bronx, bx/my safe place)
NEW NEW NEW in town FROM BRAZIL 24 years old 100% real pictures safe clean and discreet! - 24
(Brooklyn, Midwood Incall)
Just me and you ..... Light skin sweetheart ... real pics real fun real girl - 22
(Bronx, Bronx... Incalls... Only)
jenny&sarah.; 100% real pix. ® Latin dream girl. (150hhr=2girls) . (150hr=1girl) ) ®®®® - 19
(Bronx, e 187st arthur av. by Fordham rd)
jenny. 100% real pix. WOW. HOT. ® Latin dream girl. ) . (140hr) ®®®® ®®®® - 20
(Bronx, parkchester 6 train. whiteplains rd)
My AmAzInG MoUtH + SuPeR T!*tE KiTTeN + FaBuLoUs SkiLLz + UR ROD = SuPrEmE SaTisFacTioN!!! - 26
(Bronx, bx/my safe place)
M I X ** B E A U TU T Y * 60 ** P L E A S U R E *S P E C I A L * 2 4 / H R S - 24
*** Im A wEsOmE at WhAT i Do and i LoVe IT *** sexy pics real girl avail for sexy pLeAsUrE! - 21
(Bronx, My Place SaFe Clean w parking)
Hottest dominicana of ur DREAMS IS *~*~*~ HERE!!!!! 80$pecial - 22
(Bronx, Bronx E.tremont /180st incalls)
❤❤Looking for a Stress reliever❤❤Here i am❤❤New New New❤❤ - 26
(Bronx, (south)bronx-incalls and outcalls)
L👀K!!--> FrEaKy •°o♥o°• SeXy •°o♥o°• ReDbOnE •°o♥o°• LeT Me ShOw YOU how it's SuPPoSeD TO FEEL!! - 26
(Bronx, bronx (my safe place))
Lola the Nasty let's get down to the nitty gritty! Got the freak skills u need!7028349631 - 20
(Bronx, Bx 170 and jerome ave)
L👀K!!--> FrEaKy •°o♥o°• SeXy •°o♥o°• ReDbOnE o♥o LeT Me ShOw U WhY I'm CaLLed "Ms. Magic Mouth"! - 26
(Bronx, bronx (my safe place))
Hii lovers💋💋💋💋💋 Red chEEry For your Pleasure 💋💋💋💋. Spanish fly - 23
(Bronx, Incalls lovers E.tremont n rosedale)
kimberly 100% real new on bp ★★★★ wed spc 130hr /3 cups// /no Cover/ ♥♥♥♥♥ ★√☆★☆ - 19
(Bronx, allerton av off bronxriver prkw 2&5)
GoOd MoRnInG GeNtLeMeN ReAdY To StArT YoUr MoRnInG Off RiGhT - 21
(Bronx, E 167/westchester ave/INCALLS ONLY)
jenny&sarah.; 100% real pix. ® Latin dream girl. (150hhr=2girls) . (150hr=1girl) ) ®®®® - 19
(Bronx, e 187st arthur av. by Fordham rd)
I NeeD Vanilla In My Hot ChocolaTe... FiShnEts & 6inch hEELs •°o♥o°• •°o♥o° NaTaLiE pETITE TreaT - 21
(Bronx, W 260 st & Broadway Condo Riverdale)
*** Im A wEsOmE at WhAT i Do and i LoVe IT *** sexy pics real girl avail for sexy pLeAsUrE! - 21
(Bronx, My Place SaFe Clean w parking)
(¯`'•.¸ 💋EnJoY Me Now In ToWn TiL ToMoRrOw💋 ¸.•'´¯) - 20
I wanna feel u...I know u wanna feel me ☆zori☆ let's have some fun - 19
(Bronx, whiteplains rd/2train line area)
D O M I N I C AN ** P A R A D I S E** M A K E S ** E V E R T H I N G** S O** N I C E - 25
FRIDAY / SATURDAY / SUNDAY SPECIAL!!! _____ $100$ _____ Highly Reviewed!!! _____ UNMATCHED SKILLS!!! - 39
(Midtown West/Times Square Area)
Discreet Freak Petite" GOrgEOUs!! )) * sMall wAIst * ! BabyFace EBonY CutTIe Warm INside & Out - 21
(Bronx, Riverdale W 260 st Condo)
Beautiful Discreet Freak Petite" WarM You Up Specials !%!%! (YuMM , YuMM) !%!%! CoME GeT SuMM !%!%! - 21
(Bronx, Yankee Stadium Condo Incall)
🐾💋Come and Enjoy the Laffy Taffy flavor the sweet,think,juicy can't resist flavor Now👠🎀 - 24
(Bronx, bx Incalls now upto 4am, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
Am Everymans ~ *DREAM....N EVERY BOYS FANTASY!!!! Dominicana - 22
(Bronx, Bronx E.tremont /180st incalls)
Barbie & Beauty the party is here 4 the NEW YEAR‼️3473757824 - 21
(Bronx, Incalls /MY PLACE it's safe)
ChocoLate Lovers delight Thick Flawless and Perky 16464218141 - 21
(Bronx, Near 2 and 5 Crotona/ Private House)
70 L A T E** N I G H T **C A K E **S O M E T H I N G **T O *M A K E *U* T H I N K - 25
(Bronx, B X/ 240 WHITE PLAINS RD INCALL 24 hrs)
60 * M I Z Z ** P A R A D I S E ** M A K E S ** T H I N G S **S O O ** N I C E*60 - 26
70 ** M I X ** B E A U TU T Y *** P L E A S U R E ** 2 4 / H R S - 25
70 / C O M E* B L O W * M Y * B D A Y * C A N D L E S * O U T* 24 H R S - 24