Mon 27 Jan
BOSS BIH READY ™clean & discreet VIDEO PROOF CLICK LINK♥ ©Lips®Grip★ Make-It-Clap juicy booty - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
☆2Girls☆LAST DAY thick&sexy;♡☆MAKE IT CLAP ☆ATL$MIA VISTING ts100% real no disappointment&priva; - 25
(Bronx, Brooklyn, d or 4 train to 167, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens)
NOW💋SPECI@LSs The One u need Sexy,Thick,Hot VeNeZuEl@ M@Mi💋 - 25
(Bronx, 4 or D train to 167 Incalls only)
im a true puerto rican Freaki *star* $50 SpEciALs 347 805 6109 come play 100% Real Pics - 30
(bronx incalls only169grandconcourse ARE)
im a true puerto rican Freaki *star* $50 SpEciALs 347 805 6109 come play 100% Real Pics - 30
(bronx incalls only169grandconcourse ARE)
40$40$40$👑👑SpEcIaLs call now👑👑Sexys- Dominicans the ONE u Need - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
Tue 21 Jan
40$40$40$👑👑SpEcIaLs call now👑👑Sexys- Dominicans the ONE u Need - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
💋50$ 50$ 50$SPECIALS NeW CuT¡€s I HaVe WhAt U wHaNt SliM sExY Dominicans nOw💋 - 24
(Bronx, 4 or D train to 167 Incalls only)
40$40$😚NOW call for this sspecials 40$ 40$ 3 SEXY LATINAS 40$40$ 😚 - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
40$40$😚NOW call for this sspecials 40$ 40$ 2 SEXY LATINAS 40$40$ 😚 - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
Twerking Video "MAKE IT CLAP" Juicey booty ♥♥♥From MIAMI FL video proof watch link - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♥♥MAKE IT CLAP♥♥JUICY→ BOOTY ¿♥♡♥ IS~~ ☆☆★★ ReAdY2!!! CATER-2-U!! Very private - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
!!MAKE-IT-CLAP!! ChOcOlAtE FREAK!!! PRIVATE ready to make you SHAKE full lips thick hips videoPROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
MIAMI FLORIDA "MAKE IT CLAP" Juicey booty stripper video ♥♥♥ (NaStY GiRl)very descreet - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
MIAMI FLORIDA work hard play hard !!!!! Very private videoproof southern style ts girl - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♡♡MAKE IT CLAP♡♡thick&juicy;☆freaky ☆WATCH MY VIDEO)(Leaving!!!!! Tuesday!!!!!) VIDEO PROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
2girl Atlanta +miami "2girls special" Juicey booty stripper video ♥♥♥ (NaStY GiRl)very descreet - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
☆2Girls☆LAST DAY thick&sexy;♡☆MAKE IT CLAP ☆ATL$MIA VISTING ts100% real no disappointment&priva; - 25
(Bronx, Brooklyn, d or 4 train to 167, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens)
MIAMI FLA Juicey booty "ViDeO PrOOf" ♥♥♥ (JAZZY GIRL) very descreet alone no rush - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♡♡MAKE IT CLAP♡♡thick&juicy;☆freaky ☆WATCH MY VIDEO《VERY SOFT SKIN》I aim to please VIDEO PROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
(MIAMI FLORIDA) ©♥♥Grown& SEXY♥♥® VeRy Discrete ##1FrEaK# Make-It-Clap @JUICY BOOTY - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♥Make-It-Clap (juicy booty)♥ChOcOlAtE SkillED © lips® grip★chocolate ×thick ={juicy treat}♥♡ - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
(MIAMI FLORIDA) ©JAZZY GIRL READY® clean & discreet ##:FrEaK-¥€ Make-It-Clap JUICY BOOTY - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
!!MAKE-IT-CLAP!! ChOcOlAtE FREAK!!! PRIVATE ready to make you SHAKE full lips thick hips videoPROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♡♡MAKE My ASS CLAP ♡♡Thick&Juicy;☆freaky ☆WATCH VIDEO)Boss Bitch 100% real no disappointment&discreet; - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♡♡MAKE IT CLAP♡♡thick&juicy;☆freaky ☆TS☆ Back-N-Town《VERY SOFT SKIN》I aim to please VIDEO PROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
BOSS BIH READY ™clean & discreet VIDEO PROOF CLICK LINK♥ ©Lips®Grip★ Make-It-Clap juicy booty - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
NOW💋$40$40 SPECI@LSs The One u need Sexy,Thick,Hot VeNeZuEl@ @nd Dominic@n M@Mi💋 - 25
(Bronx, 4 or D train to 167 Incalls only)
NOW💋SPECI@LSs The One u need Sexy,Thick,Hot VeNeZuEl@ M@Mi💋 - 25
(Bronx, 4 or D train to 167 Incalls only)
NOW💋$40$40 SPECI@LSs The One u need Sexy,Thick,Hot VeNeZuEl@ @nd Dominic@n M@Mi💋 - 25
(Bronx, 4 or D train to 167 Incalls only)
💋50$ 50$ 50$SPECIALS NeW CuT¡€s I HaVe WhAt U wHaNt SliM sExY Dominicans nOw💋 - 24
(Bronx, 4 or D train to 167 Incalls only)
40$40$40$👑👑 WeEkS Specials call now👑👑Thick - Sexy - Dominican the ONE u Need - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
40$40$😚NOW call for this sspecials 40$ 40$ 3 SEXY LATINAS 40$40$ 😚 - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
40$40$😚NOW call for this sspecials 40$ 40$ 2 SEXY LATINAS 40$40$ 😚 - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
😚$35The One u need 👀$35 Thick&Slim;,Sexy,Hot LATINAs$35💋call us NoW - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
Tue 07 Jan
♡♡MAKE IT CLAP♡♡thick&juicy;☆freaky ☆TS☆ Back-N-Town《VERY SOFT SKIN》I aim to please VIDEO PROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
Mon 06 Jan
☆2Girls☆LEAVE THURSDAY thick&sexy;♡☆MAKE IT CL ☆ATL$MIA VISTING ts100% real no disappointment&priva; - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♥Make-It-Clap (juicy booty)♥ChOcOlAtE SkillED © lips® grip★chocolate ×thick ={juicy treat}♥♡ - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
Sun 05 Jan
40$40$40$👑👑 WeEkS Specials call now👑👑Thick - Sexy - Dominican the ONE u Need - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
MIAMI FLORIDA "MAKE IT CLAP" Juicey booty stripper video ♥♥♥ (NaStY GiRl)very descreet - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
2girl Atlanta +miami "2girls special" Juicey booty stripper video ♥♥♥ (NaStY GiRl)very descreet - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
Sat 04 Jan
Twerking Video "MAKE IT CLAP" Juicey booty ♥♥♥From MIAMI FL video proof watch link - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♥♥MAKE IT CLAP♥♥JUICY→ BOOTY ¿♥♡♥ IS~~ ☆☆★★ ReAdY2!!! CATER-2-U!! Very private - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
MIAMI FLA Juicey booty "ViDeO PrOOf" ♥♥♥ (JAZZY GIRL) very descreet alone no rush - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♡♡MAKE IT CLAP♡♡thick&juicy;☆freaky ☆WATCH MY VIDEO《VERY SOFT SKIN》I aim to please VIDEO PROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
(MIAMI FLORIDA) ©JAZZY GIRL READY® clean & discreet ##:FrEaK-¥€ Make-It-Clap JUICY BOOTY - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
MIAMI FLORIDA work hard play hard !!!!! Very private videoproof southern style ts girl - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♡♡MAKE IT CLAP♡♡thick&juicy;☆freaky ☆WATCH MY VIDEO)(Leaving!!!!! Tuesday!!!!!) VIDEO PROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
😚$35The One u need 👀$35 Thick&Slim;,Sexy,Hot LATINAs$35💋call us NoW - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 or D train to 167)
Fri 03 Jan
(MIAMI FLORIDA) ©♥♥Grown& SEXY♥♥® VeRy Discrete ##1FrEaK# Make-It-Clap @JUICY BOOTY - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)