Mon 27 Jan
* Warm & sweet * have yourself a * 100 hr * Bubble B0oty Treat * * Treasure * Cuban & jamaican * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
¤¤ Treasure & Skittlez ¤Explore our¤ ¤2 For $120 specials ¤&Come; See A 2 Girl Live Show¤¤ - 19
(Bronx, gunhill & boston in/bx manh out)
* Sexy & fun * 2 is better then 1 * 2 for 120 * Treasure & PearL * 100 % real pics * sexy & ready - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* Sexy & Sweet * have yourself A * 2 for 120 * Cotton Candy Treat * Mystery & Treasure * - 19
(Bronx, gunhill & boston rd incall-bx & manh out)
* SExy & SWeet * come have yourself a * BUBBLE B0oty Treat * Treasure* = your pleasure * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road ncalls/bx-manh out)
* SeXy & SwEet ( 2 Cotton Candy Treats ) * 2 for 120 * Mystery & Treasure * sexy & discreet* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls /bx&manh; out)
* Satisfaction $aturdayz * 2 for 120 * Mystery & Treasure* 2 juicy Bubble B00tyz * - 21
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls/bx&manh; out)
Mz.New SuPer BiG BoOty ! InCredIBle Thick In ShaPe.. Wit HiPs Ta GrIp !! AmAZZing ! - 24
(Bronx, BX- WHITEPLAINS RD - Gunhill / uptown)
* MoTivational Mond@yz * 2 for 120 * *MYSTERY & Treasure * we can be your Motivation * - 21
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls/bx&manh; out)
M I X ** B E A U TU T Y * 60 ** P L E A S U R E *S P E C I A L * 2 4 / H R S - 24
* Make ya body Mond@yz * 2 for 120 * Treasure Or PeArL * Mix or make It Twirl * 2 Bubble B0oTYz * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill& boston rd incall/ bx &manh; outs)
╚▶ Oh Yes Boys This DoMiNiCaN FreAkYtonA Has Droped The Towel& Needs U To Come Dry Her Down😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝 - 20
♥♥♥ £×otic queen R£ady To Assum£ The Position 2 Girls avalible♥♥♥$60 Sp£cialzZz - 19
(Bronx, bx boston rd gunhill)
* Open My * 2 for 120 * Treasure *juicy Box of * Skittles * 2 slim waist * sexy face Bubble B0oTyz * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road incall/bx& mah out)
*OPEN with CauTION *TREAsure* the exclusive pleasure provider - 20
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls/bx&manh; out)
Nice!! Super Sexy Caramel Booty.. Bangin Hottie ... - 24
(Bronx, bx- incall - gunhill - whiteplains rd)
* NEw to bp * Goldie * The busty puerto ric@n hotiie * experiance True passion * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls /bx&manh; out)
* In The Garden of Pleasure * Lies A * Thick & Juicy * 100 hr * Diamond * Im a mans best Friend* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road incall/bx& mah out)
* MoTivational Mond@yz * 2 for 120 * *MYSTERY & Treasure * we can be your Motivation * - 21
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls/bx&manh; out)
* In The Garden of Pleasure * Lies A * Thick & Juicy * 120 hr * Diamond * Im a mans best Friend* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road incall/bx& mah out)
* Im a Flirt in a mini skirt * Treasure * Cuban & jamican * 100 hr * Oiled Bubble Bo0ty * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* MoTivational Mond@yz * 2 for 120 * MYSTERY & Treasure * Safe & discreet playmates * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls /bx&manh; out)
* M I Z Z ** P A R A D I S E ** M A K E S ** T H I N G S **S O O ** N I C E*60 - 24
M I X ** B E A U TU T Y * 60 ** P L E A S U R E *S P E C I A L * 2 4 / H R S - 24
* Im a Flirt in a mini skirt * Treasure * Cuban & jamican *New pics * your pleasure im my #1 focus - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road ncalls/bx-manh out)
* Make ya body Mond@yz * 2 for 120 * Treasure Or PeArL * Mix or make It Twirl * 2 Bubble B0oTYz * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill& boston rd incall/ bx &manh; outs)
Hot GiRl 🌟🌟!! ( *SEXY* ) ( BiG RoUnD BUBbBLe BOoOty ) - CorNBreAd FeeD - SoFt - JiGgLy - 24
(Bronx, BX- INCALLS - whiteplains rd / gunhill)
Happy HolidaYZ💋 EXσϯίc BUbbL:) BOotY w/ Plenty 🍑👄❤Right & Tight 👌Xxxtra Nice💯Mz.STALLION💋👈 - 24
(Bronx, bx - incalls - gunhill / whiteplains rd)
% Happy HolidaYZ .. Super Thick EboNy >< Booty , Hips , THiGhs < CaraMel HottIe !!! % -IN - 24
(Bronx, bx - incalls - gunhill / whiteplains rd)
* In The Garden of Pleasure * Lies A * Thick & Juicy * 100 hr * Diamond * Im a mans best Friend* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road incall/bx& mah out)
* Double Bubble Trouble * 2 FOR 120 * Mystery & Treasure * 2 Bubble Bo0tyz * Sweet Cotton Candy * - 19
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
Early MoRniNg Treat ! SuPer ThICk EbOnY BoOTy ! CaraMeL HoNeY ! OMG_OMG_OMG - 24
(Bronx, bx-Gunhill /whiteplains rd - #2)
Happy HolidaYZ💋 EXσϯίc BUbbL:) BOotY w/ Plenty 🍑👄❤Right & Tight 👌Xxxtra Nice💯Mz.STALLION💋👈 - 24
(Bronx, bx - incalls - gunhill / whiteplains rd)
* DIAMOND* is MAns best friend * Juicy Thick & Sweet * 100% Real Sexy Pics inside* Bubble B0oty* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
% Happy HolidaYZ .. Super Thick EboNy >< Booty , Hips , THiGhs < CaraMel HottIe !!! % -IN - 24
(Bronx, bx - incalls - gunhill / whiteplains rd)
* FLirty Frid@yz * New to Bp * Goldie* Puerto Rican * Sexy busty & Thick * specials - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
⬜⬛🔳🔲💠🔷⏪⏩🍺🍸🍷🍻🍹⏩⏩⏩ Come Be Memorized💋💋💋 By An Exotic ⏩⏩⏩Cuban & Jamaican🍻🍹 ⏪⏩ 💠🔷🔳🔲⬛⬜ - 23
(Bronx, Gunhill and boston rd incalls/bx out)
Early MoRniNg Treat ! SuPer ThICk EbOnY BoOTy ! CaraMeL HoNeY ! OMG_OMG_OMG - 24
(Bronx, bx-Gunhill /whiteplains rd - #2)
* DIAMOND* is MAns best friend * Juicy Thick & Sweet * 100% Real Sexy Pics inside* Bubble B0oty* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
Arabian * Colombian Queen »»»»*No Rush*«««« $Kandii$ - 19
(Bronx, GunHill Rd Incall & Bx, Man. ,Westch. Ou)
⬜⬛🔳🔲💠🔷⏪⏩🍺🍸🍷🍻🍹⏩⏩⏩ Come Be Memorized💋💋💋 By An Exotic ⏩⏩⏩Cuban & Jamaican🍻🍹 ⏪⏩ 💠🔷🔳🔲⬛⬜ - 23
(Bronx, Gunhill and boston rd incalls/bx out)
* CauTION * Bubble B0oty * 100 hr inside * Cuban & jamaican * Im Treasure * 100 hr specials - 21
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls -bx/manh out)
70 *F O R *T H E* B E S T & * U * K N O W* T H E * R E S T*70/*2 4 H R S - 25
917-442-2210 .. HOT lATiNa! •NEWBIE• lOOks gOOd, fEElS even bEttER•• Sexy _SecDuctive _ Hot !!!! - 24
(Bronx, BX - GUNHILL - NORTH BRONX - incalls, Manhattan, Midtown East, Upper Manhattan)
* A Diva & A Dime * * 2 for 120 * New pics * ( 2 Bubble B00ty"z ) * Mystery & Treasure * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls -bx/manh out)
70 * F L A W L E S S *I N D I A N & D O M I N I C A N * B E A U T Y ** 2 4 HRS - 25
* 2 Sexy & 2 badd * 2 for 120 * Treasure * & PearL * Double play Today *100 % Real New Hott pics* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* 2 FliRTS in Skirts * Open my * 2 for 120 * TreaSure * Find * Sexy * PeaRL * New hott pics - 20
(Bronx, gunhill& boston rd incall/ bx &manh; outs)
* 2 Sexy & 2 badd * 2 for 120 * Treasure * & * Diamond * 2 BubBle B0oty * Companions * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* $¤$ 2 Flirts in mini skirts * 2 for 120 * Treasure & * Skittle * 2 Fattt juiccyyy pillow Bo0tyz* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road incall/bx& mah out)
* 2 Sexy & 2 badd * 2 for 120 * Treasure * & * Diamond * 2 BubBle B0oty * Companions * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* 2 flirts in Mini Skirts * 2 Bubble Bo0tyz * 2 for 120 * Treasure & PEArL * Real exclusive pics * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill& boston rd incall/ bx &manh; outs)
Tue 21 Jan
* Come put your Trust in ***Lust * Body of a godess * Peruvian & Costa Rican * BUBBLE Bo0ty* - 19
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; rd incalls bx&manh; outs)
* Bubble B0oty Cutie * Treasure * *Cuban & jamican * 100% real * New Exclusive pics* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road ncalls/bx-manh out)
70 *F O R *T H E* B E S T & * U * K N O W* T H E * R E S T*70/*2 4 H R S - 25
917-442-2210 .. HOT lATiNa! •NEWBIE• lOOks gOOd, fEElS even bEttER•• Sexy _SecDuctive _ Hot !!!! - 24
(Bronx, BX - GUNHILL - NORTH BRONX - incalls, Manhattan, Midtown East, Upper Manhattan)
70 * F L A W L E S S *I N D I A N & D O M I N I C A N * B E A U T Y ** 2 4 HRS - 25
40 Special Thick\Juicy Bbw~ Big Booty\Huge Boobs~ winter Bunny let MZ. Kitty keep u warm~ Avail 24\7 - 21
(Bronx, BX INCALLZ OnlyE Gunhill & Boston RD)
* 2 Sexy & 2 badd * 2 for 120 * Treasure * & PearL * Double play Today *100 % Real New Hott pics* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* 2 badd 2 sexy * 2 for 120 * Treasure & Diamond * 2 Bubble Bo0ty Vixens * 2 for 120 * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* $¤$ 2 Flirts in mini skirts * 2 for 120 * Treasure & * Skittle * 2 Fattt juiccyyy pillow Bo0tyz* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road incall/bx& mah out)
***Ready Now FF Top Cuban Princess Hosting In the Bronx Actuall pics All Natural*** - 23
(Bronx, gunhill/bx)
💎💋Sweet pretty freaki Italian 🔥columbian pr Princess. Come taste this 🍪.. 👅💎👙💦 - 22
(Bronx, Gunhill pelham prkway inz.outz harlem bx)
💎💋Sweet pretty freaki Italian 🔥columbian pr Princess. Come taste this 🍪.. 👅💎👙💦 - 22
(Bronx, Gunhill pelham prkway inz.outz harlem bx)
★★★Ready now Ff Top supreme Princess hosting in the bronx morning Treat★★★ - 23
(Bronx, gunhill rd bx/mosholu pkwy)
¤¤What's So Sweet But Buried So Deep¤Treasure & Skittlez¤So Come And See A¤2 For $120¤¤special¤¤ - 19
(Bronx, gunhill & boston in/bx manh out)
¤¤What's So Sweet But Buried So Deep¤Treasure & Skittlez¤So Come And See A¤2 For $120¤¤Treat¤¤ - 19
(Bronx, gunhill & boston in/bx manh out)
**-*~Thick Boricua Lady Would Love To BOUNCE on You ) **^;) *** Incalls & Outcalls 70 100 140 - 21
(Bronx, Gunhill-Incalls & Outcalls anywere bx)