Mon 27 Jan
☆===× IM ALL YOURS BABY ! ×===☆ HOT BOMBSHELL!! !! • ———— ♥ ( ELiTE & SEXY } - 21
(Bronx, Whitestone bridge incallS only ❤)
$50 • L€T *M€* M@k€ *¥0uR* T€mP€r@TuR€ *R¡§€ specials 100% real 347/382/2133 - 21
(Bronx, Whitestone Incalls Only!)
Tue 21 Jan
Snow Bunny** Pure SEXYNESS So Bootylicious!! Unbelievable 70 special!! NEW TO AREA - 20
(Bronx, Whitestone bridge (bronx incalls only))
Snow Bunny** Pure SEXYNESS So Bootylicious!! Unbelievable 70 special!! NEW TO AREA - 20
(Bronx, Whitestone bridge (bronx incalls only))
☆===× IM ALL YOURS BABY ! ×===☆ HOT BOMBSHELL!! !! • ———— ♥ ( ELiTE & SEXY } - 21
(Bronx, Whitestone bridge incallS only ❤)
Wed 08 Jan